Flossies Bergere
Video Challenge
Celebrate the Joy of Flossing with your friends!
Make your own video to the Can Can music -
"The Flossies Bergere!"
Post it as a response to this sample video on youtube and we'll link to it on www.flossing.org.
To get your own copy of the music, just send an email to Music@flossing.org.
National Flossing Day (NFD), Nov. 26, 2010 was a perfect day to make your video and celebrate flossing, but you can send your video in at any time (until 11/1/2011). In November 2011, we'll award prizes to the most popular videos.
Click the picture to play the video!
1st Prize:
Flossing Can Can Barbie atop the Eiffel Tower!
For examples of our previous prizes, click here and here.